pe海上警示浮球 Φ50厘米双耳串绳PE浮球
- 产品规格:
- 发货地:浙江省宁波慈溪市龙山镇小施山村
pe海上警示浮球 Φ50厘米双耳串绳PE浮球
警示浮球是我们生活中常见的浮球 本公司浮球直径拥有众多规格:30cm,40cm,50cm,60cm,80cm,100cm,120cm,如有特殊要求可以来电开模定制,本公司浮球采用*口聚乙烯材质,内部发泡实心填充,两者合二为一有助于提升浮球的使用年限以及产品密封性,滚塑浮球工艺性能稳定 远远注塑浮球和吹塑浮球,使用年限高于吹塑和注塑球8倍时间以上。
海上核心区拦船警戒浮筒 水库警戒拦船浮筒 水上拦船隔离浮桶水源地拦船禁航浮筒船闸下闸拦船索 航道拦河索浮筒 长江抬揽浮布设
1. Floating bodies are made of high density synthetic materials, which are anti-corrosive, anti-freezing, anti-oxidation and anti-purple reinforced materials. They are not corroded by seawater, chemicals, chemicals, oil stains and aquatic organisms; they are pollution-free and do not destroy the environment.
2. The upper surface of the buoy body is designed with anti-skid pattern, which is safe and stable. The four corners are arc obtuse angle shape, avoiding common dangers of common cement, wood and iron facilities, such as slipping, being punctured by wood chips, rust nails and so on.